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Florida Supreme Court Knocks Down Legalization Vote

Updated: Jul 29, 2023

The Sunshine State was dealt a gloomy blow by the Florida Supreme Court in a 5-2 decision, effectively negating millions of dollars and over 500,000 signatures.

Florida Supreme Court Knocks Down Legalization Vote

Make It Legal’s proposal would have left it up to Florida voters to decide whether to allow Floridians older than 21 to possess and use up to 2.5 ounces of marijuana. The initiative’s sponsor, backed by the Florida medical marijuana industry, had raised $8.2 million for the effort. They had also gathered more than 556,000 signatures out of the 891,589 needed for the measure to make the 2022 ballot. Tampa Bay Times, Kirby Wilson
Florida Supreme Court Blocks Voter Inititave for Legalization of Recreational Cannabis

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